Styrmir Örn Guðmundsson

Styrmir Örn Guðmundsson

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Styrmir was born 1984 in Reykjavík, Iceland.

He lives in Berlin, Germany. 







He studied at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam from 2005-2012. 








Performance, objects, drawings and stories.


drawing on paper

Styrmir ranges between performance, drawing, music and sculpture with a love for the absurd. This doesnt mean any obsessive passion for the ridiculous, nonsensical or the odd, but moreso derives from a tender and caring attitude: he takes care of the absurd, he helps it to develop, he gives it a place alongside everything else, a space where, ones it is set free, it can become a most disturbing neighbor or even a best friend.

Styrmir’s art comes together in stories which epitomise his creations. The stories develop from one thing to another; a drawing on paper can evolve into music or a sculpture which then becomes the start of a performance. The viewer gets a glimpse of a magical world in which anything can happen. The artist claims he prefers not to know where his creation may lead him. He maintains his creation in a flow, free of rationalism, exploring new boundaries of the mind.

Graphic Novel Virus




PS: Communitism







Á sýninginunni UFO sýnir Styrmir röð nýrra origami skúlptúra sem hann brýtur saman úr messing. Málmurinn er beygður í skutlur, pílur og fljúgandi loftaflshluti. Áður hefur Styrmir notað slíka hluti sem brúður í ‘puppet slam’ gjörningum í Póllandi og Mexíkó. Vísindaskáldskúlptúrar eru áþreifanleg listaverk sem ætluð eru til leiks í sci-fi-sögu.